How to Have an Eco Friendly Home – Cyprus Home Stager

Showers are commonly thought to be a way to reduce water usage, in contrast to a tub bath. Although this could be the case but you shouldn’t spend more than 30 mins showering, and have a low-flow shower head. It’s not the case for most homes because people love their rainfall shower heads. While water distribution is uniform like it came directly from the clouds this can lead to a higher energy consumption as well as higher cost of water. You should consider switching to a lower flow showerhead , if competent.

Moving to serviceable appliances

According to according to, the United States produces close to seven million tons of garbage every year. The new regulations of the Federal Government ensure it’s much easier to repair a malfunctioning appliance as they’re required to manufacture spare parts. However, it is impossible to perform this task with older equipment. This is why you should ensure that you own an HVAC system that can be serviced for long periods of time. Additionally, make sure that the HVAC unit has a high energy efficiency; energy efficiency ratings vary between A and G with A being the best.

Make use of Eco-Cleaning products

A majority of cleaning products are foaming agents, detergents and stabilizers made of harmful chemical compounds. These chemicals could pollute waters and destroy ecosystems if they get into the seas or any other bodies of water. Therefore, you should switch to products for cleaning that are made with natural chemicals.

Cleaning products made from eco-friendly materials can be found at the supermarket shelves. It only takes two minutes to check the ingredients. Additionally, you could build your own eco-friendly cleaners by yourself. For stain removal, you can mix white vinegar along with lemon extract as well as baking soda. It is also possible to use steam cleaners instead of chemical-based cleaners for cleaning surfaces.

Make use of cold water for washing your clothing

According to, roughly 90% of all water-related energy used by washing machines


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