Two Suspects in Florida Roofing Scam Arrested in Connecticut –

What exactly is bail? Bail extended meaning is a amount of money that you pay to the court to ensure you’ll be present for your trial. It is possible to get your bail returned if the case gets declared inadmissible. The bail bondsman can offer you a bond for your bail. If you’re found to be guilty then you’ll not get anything back.

What is the process for deciding bail? Bail is set by a judge as soon as your arrest. Bail will be determined by amount of the offense, your criminal record and whether the judge considers you to be a risk for flight.

Can you get bail during trial? It’s not how bail functions. Bail is a way to ensure that it is possible to be released from jail before your trial, not after it. Sometimes, it is possible to get out of the jail without bail if have been found guilty and are waiting for an appeal. eoskzfli6t.

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