When people own any sort of high quality luxury item, they generally take great pride in preserving the appearance of it. And sometimes, cosmetic flaws can also sometimes lead to mechanical flaws. People that own vehicles, recreational boats, or RVs are usually very concerned with keeping them pristine. This can be challenging in seasons when they are not in use though, and certain weather conditions can be very detrimental to their appearances. To protect a recreational boat, RV, or any other sort of vehicle during harsh weather conditions, individuals can use metal car ports for storage.
In 2011, the retail sale of boats, accessories, and marine services increased by six percent, going up to 32.3 billion dollars. Approximately 18 million recreational boats are owned by Americans today. Those who own boats but live in areas that experience harsh weather in off seasons may opt to store them in metal carports.
Many metal carport kits use recycled steel. The amount of energy saved by recycling steel is enough to power 18 million homes for one year. By building a car port, individuals can protect their recreational boat, RV, or vehicle from harsh weather such as hail, sleet, or snow. See this link for more.