Although a DITY is deemed more stressful than other types of move, especially since you will basically do all the work, you can actually make a profit from it. The military DITY move is a military program that is offered to servicemen who are assigned or ordered to move to another location. Under the military DITY move, servicemen can reimburse the government for the cost of move had the government ship his belongings. Now, to make money from the military DITY move, you should make sure that what you will spend for the move is less than what you can reimburse the government. With proper planning and preparation, you can really make a lot of money from a military DITY move. A DITY move calculator is a great tool that can help you compute how much you can safe from the reimbursement.
What you have to remember is that choosing the right strategy, one that is most appropriate for you is the right way to go about it if you are choosing the military DITY move for profit. For point of comparison, consider the fact that under the Dity move program by the government, service men, if they hire their own moving company for the move, can reimburse the government up to 100 percent of the Government Constructive Cost or GCC. If not 100 percent, they can get as much as 95 percent incentive pay if they move their belongings on their own. That is how much you can get from a military Dity move.
Now, another thing that you have to consider if you have decided on a military DITY move for profit are the unauthorized expenses since these will be the ones you will shoulder. Now, there are unauthorized expenses under the DITY military move. These are tow dolly, insurance coverage, tax, cost of vehicle transportation, meals and accommodation during the move and the gas in case one uses additional vehicle. Now, although insurance fees are not authorized expense under military moving, the military DITY move provides up to $25,000 insurance coverage. There is no need to worry about insuring your belongings.
The military DITY can be used with the other programs, such as moving some of your belongings under the Government Bill of Lading and then the remaining items, which is meets the allowed weight, can be moved under the DITY move. Thus, the best way to make profit from a military DITY move is by your strategy. This means you can do a combination of the different types of move. All you have to do is to choose what works for you best. At the same time, try to eliminate as many expenses as possible. For example, you can digitize your cds. For your books, see how much you can save by mailing them by bulk compared to moving them.