Your carpet cleaning winston salem NC technician will professionally clean your home’s carpets. This actually requires your carpet cleaning Winston Salem NC technician to have various skills that enables him to successfully perform this job. One of these skills is the knowledge of how different types of carpet fibers react to cleaning chemicals. Of course, your carpet cleaning Winston Salem NC technician will also have other duties that he’ll need to perform but these duties will vary from one company to the next.
There are two common places that your carpet cleaning Winston Salem NC technician will clean: commercial areas and residential homes. Both require that your carpet cleaning Winston Salem NC technician know how to clean carpets and deal with people. This work definitely requires you to be physically fit since you’ll be hauling around 50 pound equipment all day. You’ll also have to be able to bend, stoop, crawl, push, pull, lift, move and stand.
While residential carpet cleaning Winston Salem NC is usually done by just one technician throughout daylight hours, commercial carpet cleaning Winston Salem NC is typically done by several technicians at night or on the weekends. Whenever working in a residential setting you’ll also be acting as a salesman, attempting to sell additional services to the homeowner. Regardless of where you work, the physical demands will still be there though.
In order to become a carpet cleaning Winston Salem NC technician yourself you’ll need to graduate from high school first. Then you will receive on the job training. There are some classes that employers will provide to teach you about carpet fibers, handling chemicals and working with your clients. You can also get a the Cleaning and Restoration license from the Institute of Inspection, otherwise known as the IICRC if you’re interested in making more money. To do this you’ll need to complete the required class work and pass an exam.