The restaurant industry has always been booming, and why should it not be? Its not like people are ever going to stop going out to eat or something. But we as customers do not see everything that goes on behind the scenes, behind those double swinging doors, we do not get to see what goes on in the kitchen. The relationship between restaurants and their consumers is built merely on trust, and the hopes that the people handling the food in the back are doing everything according to code. When it comes to handling food, a HACCP, or Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point certification is important, because it will ensure that food handlers are using the safest and most effective practices.
If you are in the food industry, or a part of any business for that matter, you know all about processes. A Capability Maturity Model Integration is a process improvement appraiser, which an be used by business to improve anything within a division, organization, or through any process of completing a project. In the fast paced and hectic movements of the food industry, anything that can help a company meet the needs of their customers is greatly needed and appreciated.
But before even thinking about the processes it takes to fulfill the needs of customers in the food industry, there are regulations that need you need to abide by. Like most businesses, there are codes to follow, because in the restaurant business, you are in a way, in control of the customers health when they are there, so this is where the food safety certification comes into play. A food safety certification is what bonds that trust between a customer and the restaurant, because it will ensure, to the best of its ability, that the people handling your food will do every according to the health codes.
Aside from the food safety certification, there are other certification pertaining mainly to the environment in which businesses must also earn. For example, the ISO 14001 certification is something that focuses on lowering environmental damage and risk through laying out the criteria of environmental managements systems. This can be earned by your business through Iso trainings, and if earned, it could give you a competitive advantage against your competitors. There is also the ISO 50001, which was designed designed to assist companies with enhancing their use of energy consumption. These process safety management practices is of great importance in this industry, and should be practiced by every one within it.
6 responses to “Who is Handling Your Food in the Kitchen?”
Its good to know that everyone handling your food is regulated and watched over, because the thought of not having any health codes back there in the kitchen while you are just sitting at a restaurant eating their food is off putting.
I agree to a certain extent. That’s because even with rules and regulations, this doesn’t mean that everything you eat somewhere is safe! you never know what cooks do to your food back there. With or without codes, its pretty much trust.
I agree to a certain extent. That’s because even with rules and regulations, this doesn’t mean that everything you eat somewhere is safe! you never know what cooks do to your food back there. With or without codes, its pretty much trust.
I agree to a certain extent. That’s because even with rules and regulations, this doesn’t mean that everything you eat somewhere is safe! you never know what cooks do to your food back there. With or without codes, its pretty much trust.
I agree to a certain extent. That’s because even with rules and regulations, this doesn’t mean that everything you eat somewhere is safe! you never know what cooks do to your food back there. With or without codes, its pretty much trust.
I agree to a certain extent. That’s because even with rules and regulations, this doesn’t mean that everything you eat somewhere is safe! you never know what cooks do to your food back there. With or without codes, its pretty much trust.