Do you care about Api motor oil standards? The Society of Automotive Engineers established a numerical grading system in order to classify motor oil by viscosity on a scale of 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50 or 60 from low to high for motor oil installers. When your car does not have enough oil in it, the temperature of the oil will rise to extremely high levels as a result of the heat produced by the engine. This heat is highly concentrated. Whether the oil in your car meets motor oil standards for motor oil installers makes a real difference to the well being of your vehicle. In other words, it really does matter that you go to the very best place for an oil change and that the motor oil installers are operating according to motor oil standards.
Motor oil standards for motor oil installers have changed a great deal over time. Prior the 1980s when plastic motor oil bottles became the norm, motor oil installers stored motor oil in glass bottles, metal cans, and cans made out of a metal and cardboard combination. These days, motor oil standards are much different, and motor oil installers at oil change places use the modern plastic bottles that have become ubiquitous.
Automobiles all over the world produced an estimated 3.7 billion gallons of used motor oil in 2009. It is of the utmost importance that used motor oil is disposed of by motor oil installers in line with proper safety procedures based on current motor oil standards. When used motor oil is disposed of incorrectly by motor oil installers, it may float as a scum atop bodies of water such as oceans and rivers. This scum can block sunlight and oxygen from entering the water, which results in a great deal of destruction for plant and animal life.
Where to get an oil change is a matter of serious consideration for car owners who care about whether motor oil installers are adhering to API guideline. The best place for an oil change is the one that provides excellent customer service by motor oil installers at a low cost. Also, the best place for an oil change is one where motor oil installers care about Api oil ratings and act accordingly. It is certain that you will find the best place for an oil change if you do your research on the most careful motor oil installers in your area.
6 responses to “Finding the Best Motor Oil Installers”
I like to change my oil on my own, but I always make sure I dispose of motor oil properly.
Really? I did not know that people could change motor oil on their own.
Really? I did not know that people could change motor oil on their own.
Really? I did not know that people could change motor oil on their own.
Really? I did not know that people could change motor oil on their own.
Really? I did not know that people could change motor oil on their own.