In today’s world, employees are increasingly using mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, in the workplace environment. This has numerous advantageous, allowing for cloud computing. Cloud computing is an essential aspect of multi device integration, since being able to access documents, data and accounts using any device is crucial on both an enterprise and consumer level.
Many employees however, are brining their own devices to work. This is actually known as BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) and it is one of the newest technology trends. Fully one quarter of companies allow BYOD but do not have any kind of management system in place and a third of employees who use a personal mobile device for work say that their company’s data is not encrypted or secure. This could have catastrophic implications. For example, imagine a company phone was lost or stolen from an employee that contained confidential company information. Anyone could easily gain access. Therefore, here needs to a policy in place to protect this information or data.
If you are interested on mobile device management polices you might look into exchange activesync Android and activesync security policies. Activesync security policies are protocols that allows devices to get mail from Microsoft Exchange, a corporate email server. Microsoft offers activesync security polices to let mobile devices access and sync mail to their device, adding a layer of protection and management. Overall, activesync security policies are a great option. For more information, read this website: www.maas360.com