If you are a business looking to save money and increase productivity, you may want to consider a bring your own device, or BYOD, business model. There are about one billion smart phones world wide, facilitating mobile device management and iPhone management. Already, a Consumer Intelligence Research Partners study estimates that 20 percent of device users use them for business purposes. Thanks to the cloud, iPhone management and mobile device management has never been easier.
As stated before, a Byod business model saves on costs and may improve productivity. By using enterprise systems for the majority of your computing power, you simply need mobile devices to act as a front end with Internet connectivity. This means that you can At least half of businesses offering a BYOD model require employees to cover technology costs, and most comply.
At the same time, there are security concerns with lost or stolen devices. These can be easily overcome. Configurator, an iPhone management software for Apple products, can configure up to 30 devices at once. This is great for simple iPhone management and iphone security solutions. In addition to iPhone management solutions, there are other ways to secure devices. All BYOD models use Desktop Management Interface, or DMI standards, to build hardware and software features to industry specifications.
One of the best tools for iPhone management and patch management software to use is the Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm. First developed for the U.S. government in 1998, the system became their standard in 2001. Now, the algorithm is used for many different iPhone management and mobile management systems.
BYOD models will only gain in popularity. Forbes magazine claims there will be four times as much mobile app development as native PC development by 2016. As these systems advance, iPhone management systems will only gain in popularity. Businesses can know with certainty that their data is secure.