Studies show that nearly 50 percent of all companies that have a model that enables employees to bring their own devices make the employee cover technology costs. In order to make sure that your network and its content are perfectly secure, you need to find a mobile device management solution that is specific to your company’s needs. With patch management software, your IT team will be able to keep track of all devices including the ones that employees own, allowing your team to determine what changes need to made.
Consumer Intelligence Research Partners surveyed over 1,000 individuals and found that nearly 25 percent stated they would use an iPad for working. You will be able to find a mobile device management solution that is exactly what your company needs in order to make sure that all devices are properly updated. If your company is using Apple products, you need to be certain that you have a solution that is specific for iPhone security in order to prevent any problems from occurring.
While many companies use iPhones because of the app capability, BlackBerry devices are a popular business option because they have an encryption system that can be used across several devices instead of having to enter an individual pin on each device, saving time for your IT team. With the right mobile device management solution in place, it will be very easy for your team to track all devices. Finding the best patch management software for your company is important to keeping devices updated.
Many school districts have started implementing Byod models because it allows them to save money while being able to utilize the ease and increased productivity that mobile devices can offer. No matter what your organization plans to do with a BYOD model, you need to make sure that you have the best mobile device management software in place. With an iPhone management solution your organization will have no trouble keeping track of the devices that you have accessing your network.
Throughout the globe, there are over 1 billion smartphone owners. When you are looking for a solution for mobile device management, there are software firms that can assist you. Selecting the best firm to work with will allow you to finally have the opportunity to protect the network that you rely on for so much. Choosing the right software is the key to keeping your data safe.