Hummus with hummus make a high quality healthy snack that is high in vitamin C, folate, vitamin B6 and iron. Hummus also only has about 25 calories per 1 tablespoon serving. Each serving is contains just 2 carbs. You can look on the label of a container that you buy in the store to find out more about hummus nutrition. People are looking for recipes with hummus more and more now. That is because more people in the U.S. are eating it and looking for recipes with hummus a recent market survey that was done in 2010 showed that sales for hummus went up by 35 percent over a 21 month time period. A lot of people love buying spicy hummus dip, roasted red pepper hummus dip and roasted garlic hummus dip.
If you do not want to buy prepared hummus you can always find some good recipes with hummus to try making at home. Hummus is made from chickpeas. The Guinness World Record for hummus is a dish that weight 4 tons. That is as much as 4 cars weigh when you weigh them all together. Hummus recipes can be found in various cookbooks, in magazines and online. If you really want to serve a healthy dish at your next gathering, trying serving one of the most popular recipes with hummus that you can find. Your guests will love it and you will too.