Grow your reader base with RSS

Any content written on the web that you would like to be seen should take advantage of syndication. Syndication is the process by which you publish a piece of content across many different websites and services. By spreading out your work to multiple venues you increase the chance that it will be seen by web surfers. This is especially useful if your brand is not yet well known.

The most popular and likely most effective way to syndicate your content is by setting up a RSS feed. RSS stands for rich site summary. Using RSS syndication will make your content available to computer users through a variety of free and popular readers. Many blogging services and domain hosts will have a tool built in to allow you to easily syndicate your content into a feed.

Rss feeds are an extremely productive tool when considering the rise of people doing their reading on mobile devices. Most popular tablets and smartphones have reader apps built in or ready for download that will allow you to keep track of your favorite RSS sites. In this way syndication continues to grow in importance as reading on the go becomes more popular.

Setting up an RSS feed won’t change your content. It will however change the way it is presented. Most if not all of the graphics from your main website will be discarded in favor of easy to process and syndicate plain text. This makes it easy to read on phones, tablets, and in readers.

Bloggers, news outlets, and many other webmasters can and should take advantage of this simple, free way to get their content out in front of more people. Setting up an RSS feed is not a time consuming or complex process. Get out there and do it!

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6 responses to “Grow your reader base with RSS”

  1. I’ve been using RSS as a while now to get all of my favorite blogs into one place. Unfortunately, Google reader is dead now. Anyone have any suggestions for a new e-reader? -MelBiscuitz

  2. I’ve been using RSS as a while now to get all of my favorite blogs into one place. Unfortunately, Google reader is dead now. Anyone have any suggestions for a new e-reader? -MelBiscuitz

  3. I’ve been using RSS as a while now to get all of my favorite blogs into one place. Unfortunately, Google reader is dead now. Anyone have any suggestions for a new e-reader? -MelBiscuitz

  4. I’ve been using RSS as a while now to get all of my favorite blogs into one place. Unfortunately, Google reader is dead now. Anyone have any suggestions for a new e-reader? -MelBiscuitz

  5. I’ve been using RSS as a while now to get all of my favorite blogs into one place. Unfortunately, Google reader is dead now. Anyone have any suggestions for a new e-reader? -MelBiscuitz

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